The book “Android Application Programming with OpenCV” is now for sale from Packt Publishing with free shipping to many countries! It provides a fast-paced introduction to OpenCV’s Java bindings for Android. Integration with Android SDK, MediaStore, and OpenGL is also covered.
Topics, by chapter:
- Setting up an Android development environment and OpenCV.
- Working with cameras, image files, and GUIs using OpenCV, Android SDK, and MediaStore.
- Applying filters to live video using OpenCV.
- Tracking objects using OpenCV.
- Refining object tracking results using OpenCV and rendering 3D graphics atop tracked objects using OpenGL.
All in 100 pages!
The author, Joseph Howse, is a developer of augmented reality applications at Ad-Dispatch.
The book can be purchased from PacktPub either as a physical book or as a PDF eBook.
Source code is available from the author’s website.
Note: We have collected all information about OpenCV books here.