Try out our FREE Computer Vision Courses

Whether you’re intrigued by Computer Vision, eager to master Python programming fundamentals, or curious about the potential of deep learning, we have the perfect bootcamp for beginners, including Free Computer Vision courses and Free Deep Learning courses.

Lifetime Access

Official OpenCV Certification

Videos & Quizzes

Colab Notebooks

Bootcamp Courses


Before you begin your journey into the exciting world of Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and AI, you need to become an expert at using the world’s largest resource of Computer Vision, the OpenCV library. This free OpenCV course will teach you how to manipulate images and videos, and detect objects and faces, among other exciting topics in just about 3 hours.

Available in Python




Prepare yourself for the journey towards a career in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and AI by learning the essential elements of the most powerful and popular programming language today - Python!

Available in Python




Learn how Neural Networks, Multi-Layer Perceptron and Convolutional Neural Networks are used for Image Classification and Segmentation, and train your own CNN model on a custom dataset. All this, in just 3 hours!

Available in Python




Are you ready to dive into deep learning with one of the most powerful AI frameworks? Join our Free 5-Hour PyTorch Bootcamp and learn deep learning fundamentals with hands-on training! Learn tensors, neural networks, optimization, and real-world applications like Object Detection and Segmentation.

Available in Python



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