Fundamentals Of Computer Vision & Image Processing

Build a solid understanding of OpenCV tools used for Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Video Processing, and lay a strong foundation for solving Computer Vision problems.

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Available in
Python & C++


Prerequisites: Basic C++/ Python skills required
(Courses are (a little) oversubscribed and we apologize for your enrollment delay. As an apology, you will receive a 20% discount on all waitlist course purchases. The current wait time will be sent to you in the confirmation email.)
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A glimpse of the topics covered

Course Topics

  1. Introduction to Computer Vision
  2. Introduction to Digital Images
  3. Basic Image operations
  4. Mathematical operations on images
  1. Video Read-Write using HighGUI
  2. Using KeyBoard and Mouse as Inputs
  3. Using Trackbars 
  4. Annotating Images with Text and Boxes
  1. Image Thresholding
  2. Morphological Operations like Erosion & Dilation
  3. Contour Analysis
  4. Blob Detection
  1. Color Spaces and Transforms
  2. Histogram Equalization
  3. Image filtering & Convolution
  4. Image Smoothing & Edge Detection
  1. Hough Transforms for Line and Circle Detection
  2. High Dynamic Range Imaging
  3. Seamless Cloning
  4. Image Inpainting
  1. Affine Transforms & Homography
  2. Feature matching using RANSAC
  3. Finding Objects using Feature Matching
  4. Application: Image Alignment and Creating Panoramas
  1. Image Segmentation using GrabCut
  2. Image Classification using HoG and SVM
  3. Object Detection using Haar Cascades
  4. Pedestrian Detection
  1. Motion Sstimation using Optical Flow
  2. Video Stabilization
  3. Object Tracking
  4. Multi Object Tracking in OpenCV
  1. Image Classification using Caffe and TensorFlow
  2. Object Detection with SSD and YOLO
  3. Face Detection using SSD
  4. Human Pose Sstimation using OpenPose
  1. Selfie Application with Instagram Filters
  2. Object Detection & Tracking Integration
  3. Document Scanner using Homography
  4. Implementing Chroma Keying

Tool Kit

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To receive a Certificate of Completion from, you need to complete the graded quizzes + assignments + projects, with more than 50% marks and within 6 months of enrolling in the course.

Graduation Certificate

Certificate of Completion

You will receive a Certificate of Excellence if you score more than 70% marks on the graded quizzes + assignments + projects within 6 months of enrolling in the course.

Honor Certificate

Certificate of Excellence

This course is available as part of the following Programs


Mastering OpenCV with

Python (Python) - $149

Fundamentals of Computer

Vision & Image Processing
(Python or C++) - $499

Deep Learning with

PyTorch (Python) - $799

Deep Learning with TensorFlow & Keras (Python) - $799

Computer Vision & Deep Learning Applications (Python) - $499

Mastering Generative AI

for Art (Python) - $159

Standard Retail

Summer Sale Pricing

Special Pricing

Student Pricing (30% Discount)

Program 1
CVDL Essentials

Original price was: $948.Current price is: $899.

Program 2
CVDL Professional

Original price was: $1,447.Current price is: $1,199.

Program 3
CVDL Expert

Original price was: $2,097.Current price is: $1,599.

Program 4
CVDL Master

Original price was: $2,904.Current price is: $1,999.

Program 1
Original price was: $948.Current price is: $899.
Program 2
Original price was: $1,447.Current price is: $1,199.
Program 3
Original price was: $2,097.Current price is: $1,599.
Program 4
Original price was: $2,904.Current price is: $1,999.
MOCV - Mastering OpenCV with Python - $149
CVIP - Fundamentals of CV & IP - (Python & C++) - $499
DLPT - Deep Learning With PyTorch - $799
DLTK - DL with TensorFlow & Keras -$799
DLAP - CV & DL Applications - $499
GENAI - Mastering Generative AI for Art - $159

Courses Offered

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