If you completed with your April Fool jokes, it’s a good time to meet OpenCV 2.4.5 that OpenCV Development Team prepared for you!
OpenCV 2.4.4 is out!
On the first day of Spring the OpenCV Development Team released OpenCV 2.4.4. Big thanks to all contributors who made pull requests on GitHub, sent bug reports and helped us in any other way!
OpenCV 2.4.4 is under way!
We prepared the beta version of OpenCV 2.4.4 for you. Welcome to try out the latest and greatest OpenCV and please report any problems, while we are still in the bug fixing mode.
OpenCV 2.4.3 released
OpenCV 2.4.3 is finally out. It should be the most mature OpenCV to the moment. Big thanks to everybody who sent us the bug reports, contributed new functionality and patches and helped us in any other way! You are welcome to try out the latest and greatest OpenCV!
OpenCV v2.4.2 released
It should be binary compatible with OpenCV 2.4.1 (except for the face recognizer from contrib module) and therefore it is a sincerely recommended upgrade.
OpenCV v2.4 released
After the long 9 months since 2.3.1 release, but just after a few weeks since 2.4 beta, we are happy to announce the release of OpenCV v2.4.0, the latest and the greatest version of the library!