Optimized specifically for ARM platform, ACV provides rapid acceleration of OpenCV based products with minimal impacts on existing code base.
Itseez, Inc., a leading developer of computer vision technology, has introduced Accelerated CV (ACV) library, a set of most popular computer vision functions from well known OpenCV library. Optimized specifically for ARM platform, ACV provides rapid acceleration of OpenCV based products with minimal impacts on existing code base.
ACV acts as a layer on top of OpenCV library and allows application to use both interfaces. Accelerated functions are called from ACV and non-accelerated functions are still called from OpenCV. Accelerated CV provides same API as existing OpenCV functions. Subsequently, there is no need to change code for new calling conventions or parameter types.
ACV supplies over 60 functions used in real life products and requested by customers. Essentially, set of function corresponds to actual state of computer vision algorithms.
Few most important implemented functions:
- Resize, Warp Perspective, Warp Affine, Remap, Image pyramids
- FAST features, Harris Corners, Good features to track, Canny edge detection
- Blur, Sobel and Scharr operators, Median and Gaussian blur, Filter 2D
- LBP cascade classifier, SVM classifier, Match Template, Lucas-Kanade optical flow
- Morphology, math and bitwise functions
“Computer vision on ARM based SoCs is demanded but challenging due to compute resource limitations. Optimization activities require in-depth knowledge of hardware platforms and computer vision functions – something that we have developed throughout the years at Itseez”, said Yury Gorbachev, Principal Engineer, Itseez. “We are excited to provide our customers with a solution that speeds up OpenCV based products in a matter of hours with almost no code modification.”
For more information about Accelerated CV and its functions, visit: http://itseez.com/products/accelerated-cv.