OpenCV is now available as a NaCl and PNaCl port, making it possible to run code natively inside Google Chrome.
OpenCV 2.4.8
OpenCV Development Team worked hard and in this snowy New Year eve proudly presents the next 2.4 series release for you! Meet OpenCV 2.4.8 and thanks a lot to all who participated.
OpenCV for Windows release
We have published OpenCV version with update for VS 2013.
Khronos Releases OpenVX 1.0 Specification for Computer Vision Acceleration
OpenVX 1.0 is an open, royalty-free standard for cross platform acceleration of computer vision applications and libraries.
OpenCV 2.4.7 is out!
To smooth over these rainy autumn days the OpenCV Development Team created the next OpenCV 2.4 series release for you! Enjoy OpenCV 2.4.7 and as usual big thanks to all who contributed in any way.
GSOC 2013 video
In this video we present the results of Google Summer Of Code 2013 for OpenCV. Thanks a lot to our students, mentors and to Google for the amazing program.
Survey results
Thank you for completing our Survey and for all those positive answers!
Cassandra Studio
Cassandra Studio supports your complete process from rapid prototyping to product development and final testing without expert knowledge.
Android Application Programming with OpenCV
This book is for Java developers who are new to computer vision and who would like to learn about how it is used in relation to application development. It is assumed that you have previous experience in Java, but not necessarily Android.
Instant OpenCV for iOS
This book is intended for OpenCV developers who are interested in porting their applications to the iOS platform. Basic experience with OpenCV, computer vision, Objective C, and other iOS tools is encouraged.
First OpenCV survey ever!
To maintain its high quality, OpenCV is looking into crowdfunding its development. Please, fill out that short survey to help us know what you guys need.
Beyond Real-time Video Surveillance Analytics with GPUs
Learn about intuVision’s faster than real-time video surveillance analytics on GPUs and how an OpenCV library was used to build this technology from this 1 hour presentation.