New video demonstrating GSOC 2015 contributions is ready! Big thanks to all the students and mentors who participated. Great job!
OpenCV 2.4+3.0 Manager for Android beta testing starts
We invite you to take part in OpenCV Manager for Android beta testing.
OpenCV 3.0
OpenCV 3.0 gold has been just released, with lots of bug fixes and some nice improvements since 3.0 rc, like fully functional OpenCV Manager for Android, more portable parallel_for, DAISY features and LATCH descriptor in opencv_contrib etc.
Intel launched OpenCV 3.0 beta support
OpenCV 3.0 beta, is now a feature of Intel Integrated Native Developer Experience (Intel INDE). Providing optimized Windows and Android pre-built binaries for academic and commercial use.
OpenCV 3.0 rc1
OpenCV 3.0 rc has been just released, with lots of improvements since 3.0 beta, including multiple bug fixes, better compatibility with OpenCV 2.4, better Android and WinRT support, embedded motion jpeg codec and the emerging acceleration layer OpenCV HAL.
OpenCV talks at the Embedded Vision Summit 2015
On May 15th 2015 we have two OpenCV talks in Silicon Valley (Santa Clara Convention Center) at the Embedded Vision Summit
OpenCV in GSOC 2015! GSOC 2014 video finally released!
Thank you Google for getting OpenCV in GSOC 2015! Also, please check out what our awesome 2014 GSOC students did in this video!
Cassandra launches 5th update of its state-of-the-art software
The Cassandra team is thrilled to announce the release of a new software update for Cassandra 11, a pioneering visual programming tool and development platform for modeling algorithms, typically used in image, signal and video processing.
OpenCV for Secret Agents
A new book, OpenCV for Secret Agents, is now for sale from Packt Publishing with free shipping to many countries!
Ceemple OpenCV distribution for Visual Studio
Out of the box OpenCV C++ development plugin for Visual Studio. Includes: pre-compiled OpenCV built with CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, and IPP. An OpenCV new project wizard, 70+ OpenCV examples, and auto installation of Microsoft Image Watch plugin. Ceemple OpenCV is now available for free for everybody, provided by Ceemple Software Ltd.
Biicode is a C/C++ dependency manager with a hosting service, much like Maven and Maven Central for Java. Using the new “hooks” feature of biicode 2.0, getting started with OpenCV in C/C++ is very simple.
Kickstarter: PyImageSearch Gurus
Kickstarter campaign for a Computer Vision + OpenCV course covering face recognition, automatic license plate recognition, deep learning, and much more!